Tag Archives: world of warcraft

Hosting Woes

My old cheap shared hosting died in a fire, they never got back to me after the first email, so now I’ve moved to a better host. I suppose that is just how it is if you’re a small-fry customer paying $30/yr. But hey, a customer is a customer and I’ve been for like 5 years with made2own. If I’m motivated I will follow up and try to get some data recovered, but it looks unlikely.

This site is now live via Hawk Host. I did a bit of research (webhosting talk forums) and they check out. Service is superior as well. But this is not even 24 hours into the annual contract I paid on. They have a 50% off first year coupon, so I am paying $20 for this year.

Soon, omonomono blog proper will try to get its butt restored. That may be a weekend project, we’ll see.

In the process of moving my domain names, I went back to the MFB guild stuff and realized that the guild is only an orbital satellite with another newly merged guild over at Silvermoon. The co-op is still alive and well but it is still a co-op… A trip down memory lane remembering the old guildies I spent those late weekend hours with. It’s only then that you truly realize that the game has no more power over you, when you think fondly of the memories and of the people you hung out with, but there is barely any desire to return to it.